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Home | Post 16 | Post 16 - Code of Conduct

Post 16 - Code of Conduct

To make everyone's life in Post 16 successful and enjoyable, teachers expect all students to follow these very simple guidelines.

Show respect

  • For your fellow students,  your teachers and your surroundings

Demonstrate responsibility

  • Accept that being a Post 16 student gives you privileges not enjoyed by other students, but that these come with the responsibility to act as a role model to younger students.
  • Shoulder responsibility for your own actions.

Be trustworthy

  • Be honest - with yourself and your teachers.
  • Be reliable - for instance by being punctual, catching up on missed work, meeting deadlines.

Be caring

  • Try to support other students when necessary.
  • Don't put others down.

Be fair

  • Use the same rules for everybody.
  • Remember the Post 16 facilities are provided for all members of the Sixth Form.
  • Positively no discrimination.

Be an active Post 16 student

  • Do your best to make life in Post 16 the best it can be for everyone.
  • Don't sit back and wait for others to do all the work.
  • Give something back to the rest of the school.


  • If there's a problem we need to know
  • Don't keep quiet and let it fester; don't gossip about it to others; don't decide to miss lessons; just be open and honest and then we can deal with it.

As Post 16 students, you can expect …

  • To be given the best quality of education that we are able to provide.
  • Your teachers to be on time and prepared for the lesson.
  • To get help and support with work and personal development opportunities.
  • To be respected by teachers and other students.
  • To be treated fairly and like adults.
  • To have a balance between hard work and fun.
  • To have certain privileges unavailable to those lower down in the school.
  • To be independent.
  • To be given access to rooms for study and IT facilities.

Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)