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Home | Curriculum | Years 7 and 8

Years 7 and 8

Teaching classes are based mainly in mixed ability tutor groups of approximately 26 students for most subjects in Year 7.  Setting according to ability takes place in some subjects before the end of Year 7.


Subject Number of Units Per Week
English 4
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Humanities 4
PE 2
Personal Development 1
Art 1
Design and Technology (rotation) 1
Performing Arts (Music, Dance and Drama) 1
Languages (French or Italian) 2
Computing 1

Some of these subject areas may be unfamiliar to parents and during the year we hold curriculum evenings when you will be invited to experience the same learning opportunities as your son/daughter.  Subject staff are available to answer questions in an effort to provide you with a full picture of what happens in the classroom. These evenings have proved very popular with parents with a few surprises about how teaching has changed for the better!

Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)