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Weekly Newsletters

KSCS Newsletter March 6th 2020
Introduction photo
Message from the Principal
This academic year we have introduced a number of school-wide collapsed days enabling us to bring wider curriculum enrichment to our students.

The days comprise of a broad range of new learning experiences to include interform sports, exploring British values through Art, Maths and Science, GCSE exam skills and university visits. As we go to press, we have our latest curriculum day focused on Ethics and Philosophy.

Our year 7 and 8 students will be taking part in various sessions across a range of subject areas.

Year 9 will be visiting a place of worship and then undertaking an extended piece of work.

Year 10 continue their careers themed days with a number of students completing World of Work activities and focus on their CV in workshops.

Year 11 focus on STEM exam skills and enjoy a visit from a History themed production company.

Post 16 Students will be taking part in activities on a cultural diversity and ethics theme.

Here is just a small sample of photos from our days so far:

Best wishes


Bryan Erwin

Coronavirus COVID-19 update from the Department for Education
Current advice remains in place: No school should close in response to a suspected (or confirmed) COVID-19 case unless advised to do so by Public Health England.

Personal hygiene is the most important way we can tackle COVID-19, in particular washing hands more; and the catch it, bin it, kill it strategy for those with coughs and sneezes will help in delaying the peak of the infection. 

Mr B Erwin

Year 11 Countdown
Year 11 Public Examinations start in earnest in just 9 weeks time.

Students should ensure that they attend Unit 6 lessons every school day where teachers are available to support with exam knowledge, skills and techniques. They also have a plentiful supply of work that they should be completing individually at home. Additionally there are some useful files here on our school website for our Core Subjects.

The majority of examinations will be complete by June 12. Please note that students will remain in all lessons until they have completed their examinations in that subject, at which point they will be redirected. 

If your son/daughter has any concerns please contact the year 11 pastoral team by emailing n.smith [at] in the first instance. 

Ms J Harvey

Well-being Tip of the Week

Sports Relief week is fast approaching!  

Each year group will have their own non-uniform day.

  • Monday 9 March – Year 11
  • Tuesday 10 March – Year 10
  • Wednesday 11 March – Year 7 & P16
  • Thursday  12 March – Year 9
  • Friday 13 March – Year 8

We will be asking for a £1 donation from students on the gate as they pass through on their respective non-uniform days.
50% of the money raised will be donated to Peterborough Soup Kitchen

Please see the Sport Relief official page. There is a ton of info/clips all related to the cause. (

We must remind students that their non-uniform attire must be appropriate for school; i.e. no cropped tops, no rude/offensive images/slogans, no clothing that is revealing. Students who wear their own clothes on the wrong day will be placed in seclusion or parents asked to bring in school uniform.

Ms J Harvey

World Book Day
Students have been given their World Book Day Book Token, which they can exchange for a book from the £1 World Book Day titles available locally at Sainsbury's, WHSmith and Waterstones. Alternatively, they can use the book token towards a book of their choice.



Students also have a World Book Day Quiz to complete in tutor time.

For further details, activities and more visit

Check out the 'Writes of Passage' a list of 50 Books that will change your life. How many have you read?

Happy Reading!

Mrs K Peck

Tutor Time Reading
The Tutor Time Reading Programme is in full swing, with groups now reading their second book.

Students have commented that 'I like being read to during tutor time', 'It's relaxing and enjoyable' and 'I like learning new words'.
This term the form groups are reading:

  • 7-1 & 7-2 ' Demon Dentist'
  • 7-3 & 7-4 'Kensuke's Kingdom'
  • 7-5 & 7-6 'Storm Breaker' from the Alex Rider series
  • 7-7 & 7-8 ' The Goldfish Boy'
  • 8-1 & 8-2  'Moone Boy'
  • 8-3 & 8-4 'Bud not Buddy'
  • 8-5 & 8-6 'Where the World Ends'
  • 8-7 & 8-8 'Death not Ice Cream'

Students will have the opportunity to share their opinion of the books via Student Voice.

Mrs K Peck

Student Acknowledgement


Lilia Bicknell and Katie Watson (7A5) for being very helpful, enthusiastic and polite.
Abigail Ward and Isabella Parnell (7A4) for always being caring and helpful.
Tomas Gaubys and Adam Stojev (7A3) for their excellent determination.
Owen Bull (7B4) for always handing the books out, completing exemplar work and excellent homework in both Italian and PSHE. 

Ben Lack Y11 - for his positivity throughout his PPE exams, even the speaking!
Christopher Illes, Y11 - for his positive attitude in French.
Adam Radko, Y8 - for his excellent effort and attitude.
Nadia Osieja, Y8 - for always being so positive and caring.

Year 10 Art students for their mature approach towards their exam last week, they produced some lovely final pieces. Well done!

Emily Barfield – Outstanding achievements in her Music project this term.

The whole cast of Aladdin for an amazing first rehearsal on a difficult production number.

Stuart Booth, Oliver Holman and Kaden Lack: Dedicating extra time to rehearsals in break time for their Theatre in Education performance and coming up with some very creative ideas. Keep up the good work.

Year 7 Lauren Agyeman and Hanif Quadri for high achievement in English creative writing.

Year 11 students for high achievement in English Mock Exams: -
Jaydon Cox 
Amy Hunter 
Anais James 
Krisha Kukaneswaran 
Julia Lora 
Abigail Miller 
Charlize Miller 
Jenna Pierce 
Ella Platten 
Millie Salisbury 
Carys Williams 
Netania Wogan

Computer Science
Jemma Thompson Y12 for her continued hard work and effort in Computer Science A Level and a fantastic PPE result.

Anais James – achieved significantly high in her Theory Mock Exam.

Mrs J Purdy

Activity Day Update

Your son/daughter should have recieved a slip from reception informing them of the activity they will be on for Activity Day 9 July.  Payment is now live on parentpay, students can also bring in the money in an envelope and place in the box outside reception.  Students will be receiving letters home very soon.

Mrs J Purdy

Year 7 and 8 Netball against Nene Park Academy
A new week saw a new round of netball fixtures for the year 7 and 8 girls, this time away against Nene Park Academy.

Both teams put in a good game, concentrating on the attacking movements around the oppositions tall players, and aiming to break down their defence. It was clear to see that both teams had learnt from their previous matches last week, and were focusing on their strong passes, using the space on the court and shooters remaining calm and trusting their shots. All girls worked extremely hard resulting in year 7 coming home with the win, and the year 8’s just missing out on theirs.
Year 7:
Oppositions player of the match: Megan Richardson
Miss Marley’s player of the match: Grace Barden
Year 8:
Oppositions player of the match: Chelsea Grigas-Meins
Miss Sothmann’s player of the match: Vitaute Bitvinskaite 

Miss Z Marley

Year 8 girls football tournament
The year 8 girls took to Nene Park yet again, this time for a football tournament against other local Peterborough schools.

The girls played against Nene Park, Iqra, Kings and Stamford Welland. All girls put in serious amounts of effort, fighting against the cold weather and rain, it certainly was not easy! Unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be, but everyone gave their all, worked well as a team and most importantly enjoyed themselves. Well played girls! 
Player of the tournament (chosen by students): Eva Tubelyte and Kiesha Avis
Miss Marley’s player of the tournament: Lillie-Rose Goodrum

Miss Z Marley

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