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Ken Stimpson Community School - Newsletter 13/03/2020
KSCS Newsletter March 13th 2020
Introduction photo
Message from the Principal
I am pleased to draw to the attention of students and parent/carers a new NHS service which allows young people (11- 19 year olds) to confidentially text the NHS on a variety of issues.

NHS Text Message service now open for young people in Peterborough.

Andrea Graves, Service Lead for the programme said: “ChatHealth is a great new line of communication for young people in Peterborough which gives an alternative way to engage with school nurses and tackle the issues that are standing in the way of their happiness. It has successfully operated across Cambridgeshire over the last two years and expanding into Peterborough is a clear demonstration of how health services are working in partnership across the area for the benefit of all young people, their parents and carers.”

CovID-19 (Coronavirus)

As a school, we are guided by Public Health England (PHE), also by the ability to operate the school safely.  This means we will continue to operate as normal, preparing students for the forthcoming examinations, subject to not being affected by excessive staff absence.  

We will be postponing the curriculum day on Thursday 19 March and the Year 7 rewards trip. If payments have  been made, then we will be further advice on reimbursements if required.  World of Work Day will go ahead for Year 10 that have secured placements and the business still gives consent to them visiting for the day.

However,  PHE guidance or staff absence may have a determining factor on how we move forward. The latest Government announcement is to move to phase two (delay). This actively encourages schools to remain open based on the theory that young people are more resilient to the virus.  However, I must ask parents/carers to use the normal school procedures if your child becomes unwell.  If the illness are symptoms relating to COVID_19 which are as follows:

  1. a new continuous cough, 
  2. and a fever above 37.8 
  3. and/or breathing difficulties

Then click here to the following guidance from Public Health England guidance which was released only on Thursday afternoon. Only tested patients confirmed by the NHS can confirm  they have contracted the COVID-19 virus. 
When you phone in an please make it clear about the nature of the illness and if you have been confirmed as having COVID-19 (Coronavirus).  Government advice is that You should remain at home until 7 days after the onset of your symptoms. After 7 days, if you feel better and no longer have a high temperature, you can return to your normal routine. If you have not had any signs of improvement and have not already sought medical advice, you should contact NHS 111 online at If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111.
Cough may persist for several weeks in some people, despite the coronavirus infection having cleared. A persistent cough alone does not mean you must continue to self-isolate for more than 7 days.

Best wishes


Bryan Erwin

Student Acknowledgement

Hollie Lucas (Year 10) Martial Arts gold award for attendance and student of the year.

Jack McGoogan (Year 9) Careers - He is so passionate about his future, proud to be in the St Johns Ambulance and looking forward to completing his first aid certificate, his first step to becoming a paramedic.

All of Year 11 for being proactive in applying for college and apprenticeships.

Daniel Wright, Ella Platten and Netania Wogan (Year 11): Showing comedic, creative and entertaining work in preparation for their Live Performance. Keep up the hard work.

Year 10 Art Students for their outstanding achievement in their Art exam.

  • Jamie Antoniou
  • Morgan Chuter
  • James Donovan
  • Jayde Harradine
  • Emily Keating
  • Nojus Lalas

The following Year 11 GCSE Art Students who are preparing really well for their G.C.S.E exams:

  • Carys Williams
  • Millie Salisbury
  • Holly Banister
  • Ellis Griffiths
  • Taleasha Layton
  • Shannon Aikman
  • Bernard Nielander
  • Micheal Martin
  • Luke Ellington


Jack Ratley and Star Gill (Year 7) for excellent behaviour and class work.
Saffron Roly (Year 9) for her positive input to all her lessons and excellent appreciation of others work.
Danette Ashun (Year 9) – joined GCSE Dance late and has made a huge impact in the class, dedicated and applies great dynamics to her performances.


  • Hussain Atif
  • Safiyah Javed
  • Isabel Johnson 
  • Eden Key
  • Kelsey Mitchell
  • Lareeb Nazir
  • Malaika Rasul

All of the above Year 9 students are working extremely hard in Italian and received great results in their recent tests.

Mrs J Purdy

Dance Performance Evening

Science Week
This week, Year 7, 8 and 9 have been taking part in British Science Week. This year’s theme has been 'Our diverse world' and students have been taking part in a range of activities.

Year 7 have been taking the role of science engineers to plan and design a new research station for use in Antarctica, building models to house hundreds of scientists and withstand the Antarctic climate!

Year 8 have become forensic scientists and used knowledge of fingerprints to look at diversity and the difference between direct printing and latent fingerprinting at crime scenes.

Year 9 have worked together in teams to think of innovative ways to power a 'Balloon Buggy' and the different forces and surfaces that affect speed and resistance.

Year 7 Science club have also been working hard towards their cosmetic projects making bath bombs and lip balms and testing which bath bombs have been the best!

All have done extremely well this week. Well done!

Mrs N Chalmers

Year 7 Royal Sun Alliance Business Event
On Tuesday 10 March a group of 18 Year 7's visited Royal Sun Alliance for their Business Event.

Students had the opportunity to look around the workplace and interview some employers. They were also set a challenge surrounding investing and making money, with a focus on staying positive when the unexpected happens. The students represented the school well and thoroughly enjoyed the day. 

Miss S Kingston
Post 16 Student Support

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E.g., 10/24/2024

Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)