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Message from the Headteacher

Mr Whales - HeadteacherIt is my pleasure to welcome you to Ken Stimpson Academy.

KSA is a school that sits in the heart of its community. The very layout of Werrington links together many different aspects of community life. This theme is something we are keen to develop and we welcome as many opportunities as possible to help our students grow to become valuable members of society.

The journey through secondary education has one of the greatest impacts on our lives. This experience, as we move through education, is something that stays with us for the rest of our life. Equally, the choices we make during this period, and how hard we study, will have long lasting consequences. We want to be clear that we are here to help shape those experiences and guide students to make the most of this period of their lives.

The passage through teenage years is challenging for all young people; we change and mature at such speed. Anyone with children who has experienced secondary school will know and understand the changes that occur in the first year alone.

The most effective education is built around partnerships. At school we have a vast array of teachers and support staff that work together to enable our young people to succeed. As a parent or carer, we ask that you support and work with us at every opportunity: together we can work much more effectively. That support is not always easy. We all know that being a teenager does not come without its own pressures and challenges.

At KSA we have two aspirations. Firstly, to ensure that we do everything in our power to return your child to the community as a well-rounded and responsible young adult. Secondly, to create a high achieving environment where all students leave with the highest possible academic results. Results that open doors, build futures and provide amazing opportunities.

At the point of writing this, the school has just started its new life as an Academy. This I believe will increase the opportunities for the local community and its young people in particular. I am excited about the future for the school and I am determined that this will be a place where your children will thrive.

My commitment is that we will always do what we consider to be right for your child and ensure they have everything they need to succeed in their journey with us and beyond.

 D. Whales

Damien Whales

Prospective Parents/Carers and Students

Click here to visit our Prospective Parents Page for lots more information about our school

Paper copies of documents on this website are available upon request.

Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)