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Last Tuesday we took all of Year 9 to the careers expo hosted by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS). There were representatives from NHS organisations, local authorities, care homes, hospices and more. The careers expo showcased the range of different roles, careers, and opportunities available within health and social care, along with representatives from a wide range of professions including non-clinical roles such as finance, administration, engineering and digital. Students were able to engage with the staff and take part in a host of interactive activities

19/03/2024 | Read more

We had a fantastic Red Nose Day raising money for Comic Relief! The double break was jam packed with activities and was enjoyed by staff and students alike, although perhaps less by Mr Mullarkey who was once again the star of soak the teacher!

You can find lots more photos over on our Facebook page!

15/03/2024 | Read more

If you have been offered a placement at KSA for September 2024 can we please remind you to ring 01733 765950 and accept your offer by this Friday 15th March

The staff and governors of Ken Stimpson Academy are very pleased to welcome Year 6 to our school community.

We realise that moving on to secondary school can be both an exciting and daunting time for all concerned, but we hope we can work with you to make the process as seamless as possible. We will send out further information about the school in the coming months.

We look forward to meeting both you and your child soon


The Book Club (open to all year groups) met last week for a lively discussion about books and reading. Our new book has the rather long title of 'I'd tell you I love you, but then I'd have to kill you' by Ally Carter.

Book series (perhaps like Netflix series!) seem very popular at the moment so setting students off on a 'reading journey' is sure to be a hit.

For those of you who follow us regularly, please feel free to suggest book titles that are age-appropriate. 'You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me' (C.S. Lewis).

Mr Billson

13/03/2024 | Read more

We are recruiting for a Receptionist/ Administrator to join our friendly reception team. For more details and to apply please click here

[Closing date: Tuesday 26th March 2024]

13/03/2024 | Read more

We are excited to be taking part in Red Nose Day this Friday 15th March! Students are invited to come into school in Non-Uniform and we will be holding a special Double Break with a whole host of activities for students to take part in!

For more information, including guidance on what you can wear, please see our letter sent home on Monday 11th March 

12/03/2024 | Read more

We are recruiting for a teacher of Literacy and Outdoor Learning! The role supports the holistic and academic progress of students with low literacy and/or numeracy levels and therefore applications would also be welcomed from Primary trained colleagues.

To find out more about the role and to apply please click here

[Closing date: Tuesday 26th March 2024]

12/03/2024 | Read more

World Book Day is well underway this morning at KSA with students and staff thoroughly enjoying their tutor time reading!


We are looking to appoint a Cover Supervisor who wants to join an experienced, supportive, committed team of like-minded colleagues and make a real difference with our young people. If you feel this may be the position for you please visit click here for more details

[Closing date: Wednesday 20th March 2024]

06/03/2024 | Read more

On Wednesday 14th February Year 9 drama students performed their Theatre in Education pieces and Year 9 GCSE Dancers performed their 12 Minute Project piece based on addiction at The Key Theatre.

It was lovely to see all performers adapt to a new performance space, using the lighting and staging. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to watch and support them, we are really proud of their achievements.

Mr Billitt, Miss Barben, Miss Ward and Mrs Purdy



Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)